Campus Garden, Part II: Course Integration
Original write up provided by Terry Gregory, edited and published by Emily Bean. This is the second part of a series featuring the campus garden at Fremont Christian School.
Once the garden beds were completed and the automatic irrigation was installed and running, it was time for the students to participate in April 2015. The grade 5 class was first involved with some basic pilot projects, such as planting and harvesting potatoes. Students were allowed to take home the food and share with their families. These students got exposure to nutrition-based activities in both the garden and their classrooms.
The campus garden got even more use in Summer 2017 with the FCS Summer Enrichment Program – Adventure in the Great Outdoors. Summer program students had opportunities to plant seeds, raise starter plants, and upkeep a variety of vegetables. These students also began a garden journal.
A grade 7 Garden Science class was added in to the junior high 2017-2018 elective wheel. Students have been engaged and very receptive to the hands-on learning opportunities in the vegetable garden. Garden Science students will continue into the fall and winter with projects on native plants. It’s been a blessing to see our children enjoy, learn, and care for a part of God’s natural order. We’re also excited to see where we can go with this garden as part of teaching methods.